CashFusion is a decentralized cryptocurrency mixing service that provides enhanced privacy for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) users. By using CashFusion, BCH users can mix their coins with other users' coins, making it difficult for anyone to trace the origin or destination of the funds. In this article, we will discuss CashFusion in greater detail and explore its benefits for BCH users.
- Decentralized: CashFusion operates as a decentralized mixing service, meaning that it is not controlled by any central authority or intermediary. This provides users with greater control over their funds and ensures that their transactions are secure and private. Additionally, the decentralized nature of CashFusion makes it more resistant to censorship and interference.
- Enhanced Privacy: One of the key benefits of CashFusion is that it provides enhanced privacy for BCH users. By mixing coins with other users, it becomes more difficult for anyone to trace the origin or destination of the funds. This helps to protect users' financial privacy and reduces the risk of their coins being stolen or seized by government authorities.
- Easy to Use: CashFusion is designed to be easy to use, even for those who are not familiar with cryptocurrency. The service integrates with several different wallets, including Electron Cash, making it simple for users to access and utilize the mixing service. Additionally, CashFusion provides clear instructions and guidance on how to use the service, making it accessible to a wide range of people.
- Increased Anonymity: By using CashFusion, BCH users can increase their anonymity when making transactions. This helps to protect their financial privacy and reduces the risk of their coins being stolen or seized by government authorities. Additionally, increased anonymity also makes it more difficult for anyone to trace the origin or destination of the funds, providing an extra layer of security.
- No Logs: CashFusion does not store any logs or information about its users' transactions, ensuring that their privacy is protected at all times. This makes it a great choice for those who are concerned about their financial privacy and want to keep their transactions private and secure.
- Cost-Effective: CashFusion is a cost-effective mixing service, offering lower fees than many other similar services. This makes it an affordable option for BCH users who are looking to enhance their privacy while making transactions.
In conclusion, CashFusion provides several benefits to BCH users, making it a great choice for those looking to enhance their privacy when making transactions. With its decentralized design, enhanced privacy, easy-to-use interface, increased anonymity, no logs, and cost-effectiveness, CashFusion is well-equipped to meet the needs of BCH users everywhere.
CashFusion in Electron Cash
CashFusion has several menu options in Electron Cash 4.1.0 and later for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- Tools -> Network... -> CashFusion allows configuration of the CashFusion server.
- Fusion Icon -> Wallet Fusion Settings allows to set the CashFusion mode to Normal, Fan-out, Consolidate, or Custom. Additionally the user can set the number of times each Bitcoin Cash input shall be fused and allow self-fusing.
- Fusion Icon -> Fusions... displays active CashFusion rounds.
- Fusion Icon -> Auto-Fuse in the Background enables or disable CashFusion.
- Website:
- Telegram group:
- Statistics:
CashFusion does not work
- Make sure that you're using the latest version of Electron Cash
- Go to Tools->Network->CashFusion and use the server at SSL port 8789
Clock mismatch too large
- Manually synchronize the time with an NTP server
- Try changing the time synchronization interval (e.g. 3600 seconds instead of 604800 seconds) if it keeps happening:
- Try changing the NTP server